Milkfish Scientific Name and Other Information Given by Food Blogger | Indonesia Milkfish Factory, How to Fillet Milkfish, Fresh Milkfish, Milkfish Production

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Milkfish Scientific Name and Other Information Given by Food Blogger

Monday 4 September 2017

Milkfish Scientific Name and Other Information Given by Food Blogger

If you are a food blogger, you might want to know more about milkfish scientific name so you can give more knowledge to your reader. If you love food and want to have a side job that involved food, then you might want to try to be a food blogger. Especially since today people want to get more information about the food that they eat. Thus they will search the information about the food that they eat from your blog. This is the reason that you should give as much information that you can inside your food blog.
Food Blogger Giving Information about Milkfish Scientific Name
One kind of information that you want to write in your food blog is about food fish since this kind of food is popular right now. People already know that they must eat more food fish so they can be healthier and get more milkfish nutrients from the food itself. A food fish that you might want to write about is the milkfish since this food fish is loved by many people thus surely those people will want to get more information about this food. Then there would be more people that come to read your food blog often.
There are many kinds of information that you can give to your reader so they can get more knowledge about this food fish before they consume it. First is about the milkfish scientific name since some of your reader might not know about this information. Actually this food fish has scientific name Chanos chanos, but it has many kinds of common name in different parts of the world. First is about the name that hawaiian use to call this food fish which is the awa. Second is the name that Philippines people use to call this food fish which is the bangus. Furthermore this fish is actually a national fish of that Philippine country. Then the people on Nauru Island call this food fish as ibiya, however people from Indonesia call this food fish as bandeng and some named it as bolu.
Besides information about the milkfish scientific name and other common name that you can give to your reader in your food blog. You might also want to give information about the production process that the factory do when they want to create product using this food fish as the ingredient. This information is valuable for your reader since they need to know a method that they can use to determine the quality of the product that they will purchase later when they go shopping. And that method is by knowing the information that you will give in your food blog.
First you should tell them that if the factory really care about the quality of the product that they create as they care about the milkfish scientific name then they should have a farm which may located inside the milkfish factory. You should tell them that by using this method the factory will have a source from which they take the raw material that they need to create the product in the factory later on.
Next you should tell them about the method which happen in the factory after they get the raw material from the farm as the source. The method will be start by cleaning the raw material as the food fish still have several parts which need to be taken out before creating the product itself. Then the second method is to cut the food fish which need to do if the factory wants to create the product and to know the milkfish scientific name.
You may also want to give information to your reader that they can ask the factory to wrap the product with specific weight that they need if they want to purchase the milkfish. Of course, you should give information that the freezing method is needed for the product so it can have longer shelf time thus it will be safer to eat. By giving the information to your reader about milkfish scientific name, the food fish common name and even the method which happen in the factory to create the product surely there are a lot of people who will read your blog. Thus you may search other information to give to your reader later.


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